Thursday, October 8, 2009


i swear, ill be on top of the world one day with a blunt in one hand and my baby's hand in another.

^^^^^^ jt you are the apple of my eye.

thanks for sneakng me out lastnight and reminded me why i fell in love with you. +we was high ass fuck yeeeaaaa buuudddyyyyyyyyyyy.

sooo... tommorow is friday. internation foods day at school and cheerleaders like every fuckin year sells the goodies. yes you name it, cupcakes, weed brownies, rice krispies, caramel apples. ALL THE SWEET SHIT. ahhaah jk about the weed brownies. and i hope its hot (dalycity please be good to me just this once fucker) not diggin the fact we gota wear skirts on a cold ass day. im in a happy jolly type of moood, hip hip hoooray.

ok bye.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


i dont know exactly what im trying to prove with this blog, all i ask is for this to make me feel just a tad bit better at the end. its been rough.. lets admit lifes rough period. Not to sound like a whining little bitch but its been incredibly hard to maintain school/boyfriend/ and just the whole aspect of being the perfect daughter. expectations expectations... do this do that be better like so and so change your ways... JUST STOP. its one thing to hold homework off for a day, but once you see shit piling high and feels like your behind. giving up and saying fuck it sounds the most appealing and is by far the first choice ill never hesitate to make. first 6 weeks grading period 2 B's 2 C's 1 A and drum roll please 1 F. no no.. not proud but hey im capable of doing worse. To my parents those letters are a bunch of bullshit and apparently the end of the world for them. if they had a way to read this blog "HEY MOM AND DAD IM NOT PERFECT" along with some harsh fighting words i shall not even dare to type. but also, if they did read this im sorry for the disapointment yes i can do better and yes i will be better, but please dont make me feel like im the most stupidest walking thing on earth just cus of one F. and god, its just progress report fuckin relax and take 3 chill pills while you're at it. ANNNNDDDD stop saying im not gona graduate, having that embedded in my mind constantly makes me aim for that goal so watch it. im eager to finish up highschool, senioritis is approaching and will bite my little ass if this year does not get more enjoyable. ok the subject of H.I.M. aka jt24 aka my boyfriend. im going to flashback to when we first met, those stares, the excitment, the anticipation, that feeling of wow-ness. damn this boy hooked on to me and reeled me in hard, i never wanted to hang out with my friends on fridays, my text inbox would be loaded and had to clear it a few times a day because it hit capacity, it was just...just... love all over again. a different kind of love, the love i wanted to be in, the love that didnt want to hurt me, the love i didnt want to find. i was not in the appropriate mind state to be with someone, the matter is i was 100% fine with being alone. but he came along, and opened my life to something new.. something completely out of the ordinary. quite mind bottling, yeah? "never get too comfortable" for the couples out there thats been together 1..2..3 years the present day can never be compared to that very first day. talkin back happens, "i only said that because i was mad" happens, and foreals SHIT HAPPENS. hey, relationship will forever be more a relationship with the drama and access baggage... but fuck i forgot how hard it is to deal with not mentioning the nagging, misfits, assuming, blah blah blah, and all the ughhhhh's. also its hard when you guys are not on the same page, when your so tired of all the arguing you just shutup and give up without finding the resolution to what started it the first place, when when you just want to punch eachother in the face so all the shit just stops. you see, thats when something is wrong. you should never want to punch your girl/boy in the face!! (haha ok i laughed... NOW LAUGH) but ive been with my nigga for almost a year now... and honestly im content. at a point ive adjusted and learned from things that WILL shape me into a better person. he, himself taught me the finest things in life that are beyond comparable. he is my bestfriend he is my lover and he is my love. when things get too much and out of hand of course our heads heat up and begin to clash. tell me something i dont know! the world is coming down on me.. seems like im at war with my own life. and this is what i have to say. FUCK YOU PAY ME... hahaha jk. shit will get hard, fuck it already is hard. i cant stress enough how stressed i am. im officially un-employed, gota deal with my parents mood swings for about a week or so, john truong you will always drive me insane, AND no kanye west concert to look forward to anymore. oh yeah, johns bday =D today he declared he wanted a zip for his special day... so i guess that 400 bucks ive been saving up in the bank account will be put in good use? hahhahaha.... fuck i neeedddaaaaaaa blunnttttttt righttttt nowwwwwwwww.

and mom and dad if you ever read this, weed makes me happy please dont disown me.
and yes, this shit did make me feel better highfive kids.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


i can never keep this shit in a consistent habbit. i guess blogging is just not my mojo for now, but hey let me give it a try...

nah actually i wont i just got sleepy. and why in the world is everybody switching to tumblr? in my oponion all these sites are the same its in the matter of choosing where you want to type at and publish your thoughts. im getting bored by doing this already.... blahhhhhhh

bye. i need a blunt.