Monday, June 29, 2009


my little 12 year old sister teaches me how to play the uke, every now and then. as much as the fucker gets under my skin, the little nigga got skills. as for me im getting there ok? my day was fuckin dreadful all i did was sleep. it wouldve been ok if i was tired, but the thing is... i wasnt tired. so what do we call people like that? lazy ass mothafuckas who just wasted a full day doing didly squat! ok i lied, i did laundry with my older sister.. a whole shitload i might add. i pity my dad for being the only man in the house. he has a scrawny little pile in the corner while me and my other sisters have bags full of clothes.. where does it all come from? that i dont know, but i aint complainin clothes would probably have to be 4th in place to the love of my life. top 3 remains confidential hardy har har. after a loooong 3 hour and a half at westlake laundry mat, finally went home on the same bed where my ass was on the whole damn day. at least john had fun in sanjose getting fat with his other bro eating sushi and all the other shit he's been texting me. god, today sucked more ass then finals week. ew, i mentioned school. fuck my us history for failing me, thanks to her i will be spending one semester with juniors who will be trying to impress me for half the year. im looking forward for tmro, payday baby. time to spoil my love and there goes another reason to get fat, BUY FOOD. aint no thang but a chickenwang! so my sister and cousin come in my room screaming "were hungry were hungry!!" do i fuckin look like iron chef to you. "can u cook us something please?!?!?!" how about no. "ate, please were dyingggg" oh yeah? "sheeesh ate ur so mean!" tell it to the judge "what judgeee?!" tell me im beautiful first "YOUR SO PRETTTY !!!" score.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


i hate being mad, i hate lookin like something is stuck up my anal, i hate being the inner bitch that i am. today was one of those "what the fuck you lookin at" days. where i alllways have something to talk back on or will remark on a topic where its uncalled for. well all have those moody days, yea? (sorry baby if your reading this you know your princess doesnt mean half the things she says and does when she doesnt feel good) i woke up bright and early for church, i was denying to myself i felt hungover. i had bigger and badder hangovers in the past so knowing what rockbottom felt, i was on top of the world this morning. during church, good. first hour of work, ok. 2nd hour, fuck. not knowing if i was hungry but i hated that feeling that put me in the most shittiest mood. i hope no customers thought i was being a bitch, comparing to my normal bubbly days. i swear, my staff loves me.. everytime i come to work i announce that the most cutest tacobell worker has arrived making sure everyone smiles. what can i say... its a gift man! haha anyways i love sundays cus around 4 it gets super slow the whole place is dead and im just in the office choppin it up with my cool ass managers or amanda and gj eating or just kickin it. like i said.. easy money. psssh. good visit from john and charles, why does these brothers like baja blast so much? it smells like bathroom piss! the taste is alright..... mountain dew thats blue, yum? i love texting behind my cash register it pisses the customers off =) oh and giving gum to all my coworkers.. we all look so professional NOOOTTTT. grimey ass fuck, oh well. after work went home and showered and hung out with my boyfriend for a good 2 hours watching the bet awards. we argued the whole day :( adding on to my not so fresh of a mood. past it tho, not much of a fan of butting heads when unecessary. for the most part at least. so im home watching MANswers cus i have dumbass direct tv which is ahead 3 hours to normal cable? still dont get how that works and in the living room is a bunch of my aunties and uncles gambling playing mahjong and pusoy. my moms a boss, stealin everyones money like the hustla she is. im tired, falling asleep, and seriously boring my self out by thinking to hard what to type next.
BLAH, you stink go away bye.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


i would like to declare right now, im way too cute for my job. no never cocky, simply stating facts but you know what i really dont care cus i get to work with friends, make easy money, and eat mothafuckin chalupas all day everryydaaay. yo quero' tacobell bitches!! i find it funny how some of my coworkers talk hellla fuckin smack in spanish but it sounds so beautiful you hella forget there talkin shit. to them the pronounce my name like re-hi-na, i even got a rosalinda, samantha, even a selena! -_- no bitch its regina, RE-GEE-NUH. so today i worked a pussy ass shift from 12-4 it was slow ass fuck which was quite odd for a saturday. i got the normal usuals, and even this bitch that paid with all one dollar bills and quarters, cmon man! dont got all day here! leave your stripper money at home will ya and show me the big bucks. so.. i hate picky ass customers.. no foreals i remember this one order vividly a bean buritoe with no onions substitute green sauce light on the red sauce a mexican pizza no cheese extra tomatoes and a medium half rasberry icetea and half sierra mist drink. oh yea she came back and ordered cinnamon twists with a 5 minute request to put it in our oven so it can be "hot". GOD FUCKIN DAMN. i wanted to shove a fuckin taco up her ass for holding up the line soo bad and i even got in trouble for being "slow" everytime i see that lady come i pretend to do something else just to avoid that order hehe :) ooo that sexy mac girl came today tho, she looks like jerri lee dead on bro! i always give her a free fruitista hehe again :) haha! anyways after work my sister picked me up and i waited a long hour and 15 minutes in the dentist waiting room watching stupid night in the museum or whatever that movie is called. after picked up my beautiful mother at balboa bart went home went to a 25 minute long church meeting, (yes i go to church nigga) after went to ling nam to eat with ate shiela then finally home! weeeee! so my ate felicia just called who is like my second mom to me and hella randomnly just happens to be in the city and wants to hangout for a while. so... rushing to get off get ready and uhhh BYE! oh ya 3 of my favorite things hot cheetoe PUFFS, i wont eat it if it aint puffs kind... my sk3 and yes those are some crucial battle bandaids it has there on the left side... and oh ya FEET =] i have a big ass foot fetish, ask why? i dont know why and no fucker i aint weird me like toooesss mmmm! toodles!

Friday, June 26, 2009


why is it you can always make me laugh when im mad as fuck, why can you distinguish my different faces and the emotion behind each and every one of them, why does everythin seem so fuckin great when im with you. flashback to where we first met, noone really knows the story and GOOD that nobody knows shit it gets fuckin complicated truuusst. mmhm i huuurd that. haha (i know your laughing jerk, and now that you found my blog i cant talk shit about you) i still find it amazing that your not only mines but duude you's a nigga fasho. we tell eachother secrets, get zooted, kick back and chill, i got cho back you got mines. the bestfriend i never wanted :) but what i can recall is our very first 'kickit' you can say. i snuck out that night and i hella remember your first call to me. "mm hi i think im lost or i might be going the right way..ect" in my mind "omg omg omg ur so cute omg omg" hahahahah. i got in the car and looked at that big ass smile. my nigga was staring fo days (dont lie you know you were!) right there and then we just started conversating makin jokes and the nervousness went away. he wasnt a cheap date either we ate in and out after our first smoke out PLUS A MILKSHAKE haha most def tryna impress me. it was something bout you that i wanted more of, i loved being around you, i enjoyed your presence pointblank i didnt wana let you go under my wing. at that time i couldnt really clarify if you were tryna holla or simply down to meet a new friend, but if you flirted and dead on stare at new friends all the time WE GOT SOME TROUBLE MR. haha. we just basically took it from there.. surprise visits at work.. casual dates.. simply enjoying what each one has to offer. ok im not gona try and get too corny up in this bitch but let me break it down for you. thankyou john, thankyou for defining happiness into my world. if i was to say you showed me the true meaning of love, call me a fool cus i cant claim that. due to the fact that every thing in life shows me love my parents, my annoying ass sisters, family, weed, friends, seeing other people love drives me to fall in love over and over again. one thing i can aknowledge is that your down to love me when at times i cant even love myself. everybody fucks up, nobody is perfect (if you think your perfect slap yourself NOW... no not later.. NOW bitch NOW!) i admit, i tend to be a handful. i wouldnt wana deal with moody little ms.attitude either. i can be a straight up bitch, yes yes i know! always remember who cleans your room and brings you tacobell, yea nigga shutup. i hella remember our whole "keepin it on the low" phase. that didnt last... and good.. time to show the world your under ReginaDayrit's hands mwahahah "FUCK THE PRESS" right? you're quite something else... you got the best of me. im a sucka, im whipped, yaaaah i said it! ill shout it to! (no... i actually wont) ha its always been a given to take care of you. Regina, RoseyD, Reginerr, all of me. you ready? like you said and i quote "you in all ways,shape,and form kill the brackets in my charts" i aint going nowhere me and you baby just me and you on this one. what can i say, welcome to the goodlife? now lets give them something juicy to talk about.....
i love you Johntruong,
Regina Dayrit

Thursday, June 25, 2009


let me start off by mentioning how megan fox is one hot peice of ass! shes fuckin hot, ill have her babies anyday. hahah thruout the whole transformers movie she had lipgloss on, or perhaps there just naturally shiny? if thats the case, dammmmn mama. second, happy one month of being "girlfriend and boyfriend" official to me and john adding on to the 6-7 months of being us and third we got high ARIBA ARIBA! haha. smokin in the century garage parkin lot isnt sketch at all, never fails. a blunt to the face each and when it hit half we traded, hey now sharing is caring (and shh between me and you, i put more bars rollin the bitch then he did) not to mention on how he surprised me with a chop right at 12 lastnight. ok.. i give the homie props for pullin that one off.. yea yea yea you sweetball you. and thankyou for cooking me steak as well, iron chef jt wuuuusuuup. my eyes still felt low at church with the posession of weed inside my bag next to my mom -_- went to pacific super after i hate how the mexican niggas in the fish section always fuckin stare. went home and grubbed and now im all fat and stuffed and getting lazy to blog........ ok bye you're ugly.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


so.. this is new? i never found myself as the blogging type, actually i did attempt once w. tumblr and i still never understood why i never came back to that account. First and last post was a picture of me rollin a blunt, i know.. anyways im gona try not to bore my brains out with this and for those who will/do read my shit please excuse my fob ass grammer and i do tend to cuss a lot, fuckity fucking fuck :) my idea for makin this was from charles truong (yes brutha i read your blogs, you're actually pretty funny.. duude GET LAID) hehe. Charles is my boyfriends brother, and oh oh yeah! he is single ladies, come holla. for those who are wondering who is ReginaDayrit's boyfriend his name is JohnTruong (yeah i know right?) its funny how i come across people and hella pretend not to know hes my boy. "oh so who do you go out with now?" or or "yeah ive heared of jt... so and so's player" kiss my ass. as much as he claims he's not popular, deep down he knows he got it like that. and every other girl wants to suck his.... nose =) be nice reginerr.. anyways! a little 411 about the princess herself. first and foremost i miss san francisco. i grew up in the mission district, took muni bus almost everyday, and loved seeing all the black people on alemany and geneva haha. i lived on silver and mission, and ide pay big money just to rewind my life and endure all the memories. I went to james denman middleschool ( idk why im telling you) but thats right behind balboa high, but no i did not go bal instead i went to another ghetto jail lookin school named philip o sala burton. attended freshmen year there, and boy let me tell you aint nothin compared to these dalycity schools. flashback to where i used to break down weed in class where the teachers was so used to the smell they barely even noticed, ahah and where everybody would smoke stogs at lunch, and there would be a fight in the hallways almost everyday. honestly, it was exciting but i admit i was scared on getting my ass beat to any of the racket ass black girls. haha. there i met my 2 alliance janelle leon and jennifer abecilla. my girls forever, yup i said it FOEVUHHH. just when i thought my life was settled and enjoying highschool, heared the breakin news that we were moving into another house. and what sucked the most it was in fucking PACIFICA. at the moment in time i was like wtf is a pacifica? my address is still in dalycity but the beach is literally down the street, i mean.. i guess.. then knowing it was such a further place from school i realized i had to transfer schools as well. my mom said westmoor, and again i was like wtf is a westmoor?! haha nah i lied, i knew all these dc schools but fuuuuuck i didnt really want to go to any of them. i remembered i even tried bargaining with my parents to let me stay at burton haha to think of it taking 4 buses to school everyday wouldnt have been that bad :) siiiiike. overall i survived my first year at westmoor as a sophmore, met new friends, met new bitches, met new everything. and now im patiently awaiting for senior year then asta lavista mothafucka UCSF HERE I COME! nah.. i wish hahaha next best thing CSM with my ugly ass boyfriend =P dalycity is not that bad. its foggy most of the time/ all the girls dress the same/ everybody knows of eachother/ and almost forgot seramonte. yeah you're right IT SUCKS. so enough of my transformation to citygirl to dc girl, ha whatever f you.

today i woke up to the sun. im always happy waking up and knowing it'll be a beautiful day, however what sucks the most, a few hours later or the very next day the beauty vanishes like COMPLETELY.. its like having sex but never getting to jizz (LMAO). quite the teaser, i tell you dalycity weather is unpredictable is a big fat liar. john picked me up, took a shower (cus ever since i met him i barely take showers at my house anymore), watched a little tv, did a little tv (spare you the juicy details) ;), got ready and drove to csm so he can return his track uniform and see his grades. just as we parked in a handicap fuckin parking with a handicap fucking 07 sign he totally forgot his uniform -_- he was pissed, but i laughed in his face. toughlove baby toughlovvvve. after a long debate on what we were hungry for we ended up eating panda express at hillsdale mall haha. hey i wasnt complainin, you can never go wrong with orange chicken. before we ate, we dropped by where his mom works at and hella pulled a quick driveby and he yelled "HI MOM" thru my fuckin window. what was even funnier he turned around and drove by again and said "HEY MOMM I LOOOVE YOU" and she wasnt even looking haha better luck next time my sweet thang. after lunch we drove back home so he can apply online to bestbuy while i watched half baked. funny movie, too bad i wasnt high. that shit wouldve been hilarious. scratch that, everything is funny when high, even the thought of being high is funny. god, being sober for almost a week is fuckin crucial. nah, i lied. its good that i havent smoked all week it cut down half the amount on my food supply. like i said on my twitter my gut is the ultimate proof now, smoking got me fat offffttttoooppp. its fine tho, john likes a little gusha fo the pusha. hahaha so after the soap opera scene between me and this fucker. all is well at the end and forgive and forget. as much as i hate being mad, knowing that the person was sorry makes it all worth the while as the end result. i cant tolerate the idea of lying, just keep it real all i ask. so in conclusion my day was good, a little huss and fuss here and there but hey all the sex made up for it. fiiiirssst bloooogggg fuuccck yaaaaa maaan! gimme fiivee!